Making recovery possible for more Americans.
Recovery Corps in the News
Recovery Corps: At Your Service
The recovery organization, launched in 2018, is taking the notion of peer support to the next level. — Treatment Magazine
How volunteering with this program can help those in Virginia with substance use disorder
A new federal program aimed to help people overcome substance use disorder is coming to Virginia and is seeking volunteers. — 6 News
Newsmakers: AmeriCorps Doubles Effort to Help People in Recovery
“Recovery Corps is aimed to support people who are in recovery from substance use disorders statewide, and we do that through the power of national service. They are called Recovery Navigators. They get to change lives, literally.” — Alana Stimes, Director of Program Development at Ampact
Minnesota Recovery Corps pilots ‘people power’ approach to tackling the addiction crisis.
“I was thinking about what I could do with the rest of my life,” Gustafson said. “I’m a person in long-term recovery, and I wanted to give back. Recovery Corps felt like the perfect opportunity to use my recovery coach training.” — Valeri Gustafson, Recovery Navigator